Cancelling Translation Jobs
This page details the option of requesting Cancellation of Translation Jobs.
Cancelling a Translation Job
If you want to Cancel a Translation Job that has already been Sent to Lionbridge, then you must talk directly to your Lionbridge Account PM. Production may have started with costs incurred, so next steps should be discussed and agreed.
Lionbridge Account PM can Cancel the Translation Job in the Freeway portal for you and the status will feed back to the Connector via API and update the Translation Job status to "Cancelled" at the next polling interval of the Lionbridge Extensions. Within the Connector you can Cancel a Translation Job while it is in the "Sending" state.
There is a limited window of opportunity to Cancel the Translation Job within the connector - while it is still in the "Sending" state. The Connector will make that request to the Freeway portal via the API. If approval is given then the Translation Job Status will update to "Cancelled". If the approval is not given due to the job already moving to In Production status then the Translation Job will progress to "Work in Progress".
IMPORTANT: You should always contact your Lionbridge Account PM to confirm the cancellation.
How to Cancel a Translation Job within the Connector.
Open the Translation Job that you wish to Cancel.
Select the Details tab.
In Job Action select the radio button "Request Cancellation" and click Save
Translation Status re-evaluation when Cancelled.
Once a Translation Job has been successfully Cancelled, any entities that were included will have the translation status re-evaluated.
The language(s) of the Translation Job will be removed from the In Translation field of the Entity in the Details tab.
If the Entity has been translated in the Connector previously, then the language(s) will be re-added to the Translated field in the details tab.
You must always contact your Lionbridge Account PM to confirm the Cancel Request.
Last updated