Language Configuration

Details on how to upgrade an existing language configuration from the old file format to the new file format can be found in the article Language Configuration - Upgrading.

Language Configuration

Lionbridge and inRiver uses different language codes for each of their languages, and therefor a language configuration file needs to be set up.

The language configuration is part of an xml file that will be used as a setting for the Outbound Connector, if you're running inRiver 6.3, or the Extensions if you are using inRiver PMC.


I want to translate English (Great Britain) into Swedish and Norwegian.

Considering that scenario, here is a possible language configuration file

    <Language key="engb" lionbridgeCode="en-gb" inRiverCode="en" />
    <Language key="svSE" lionbridgeCode="sv-SE" inRiverCode="sv" />
    <Language key="nbNO" lionbridgeCode="nb-NO" inRiverCode="no" />

The only information we need to know about is the "key", "lionbridgeCode" and "inRiverCode" attribute for each language.

  • key - The CVL value key that also needs to be defined in the source/target language CVL, this is how we locale the language configuration.

  • lionbridgeCode - The language code used by Lionbridge

  • inRiverCode - The language code used by inRiver

An example of how the source and target language CVL's might look like:

Source Language

Target Languages