

Used to log everything for the inRiver 6.3 connector

iPMC Control Center logging

The Connectors extensions log messages will appear with all other inriver logging in the Control Center.

Serilog with Seq

An optional way of logging to a remote Seq server endpoint.

Functional support in the following minimum versions of the connector: inRiver PMC Extension: 3.4 inRiver 6.3 Connector: 3.4.1

How to enable

You will need a logging server URL and a valid Seq logging api key. The Connector Support team can provide these details during On Boarding, or contact Lionbridge (connectors@lionbridge.com)

inRiver PMC

Navigate to the inRiver control center, and go to Server Settings.

Add the following server settings:



inRiver 6.3

Option 1: Using the inRiver Model Tool

  1. Open the inRiver Model Tool

  2. Click the Server Settings tab

  3. Add the following server settings



Option 2: Using the inRiver web GUI

  1. Navigate to the inRiver web GUI

  2. Click the "System" web app

  3. Click "Settings" in the navigation bar to the left

  4. Add the following server settings



Last updated