Upgrade - 3.2.2 -> 3.3

There are breaking changes coming in version 3.3 that will need to be addressed when upgrading from 3.2.2. This article is divided into three sections.

  • All inRiver versions (6.3 and PMC)

    • Goes through changes that needs to be made for both inRiver 6.3 and inRiver PMC.

  • inRiver 6.3

    • Changes that are specific to inRiver 6.3

  • inRiver PMC

    • Changes that are specific to inRiver PMC

All inRiver versions (6.3 and PMC)


The field TranslationJobDescription is no longer used, as it generally served the same purpose as TranslationJobName.

There are two options that can be used to adjust this

  • Either remove the field completely, it depends if you want to keep any information that was previously saved in that field for archival purposes.

  • Or if you want to keep the field, remove the Mandatory property, and set it to ReadOnly (Might be a good idea to add (Deprecated) to the display name, to indicate it is no longer used).

The tr[EntityType]Status field has been removed.

Three new fields have been introduced for each translatable entity


As an example, let's say I have Product, Item and SKU as translatable entities, then the following fields would need to be created


  • trProductInTranslation

  • trProductTranslated

  • trProductTranslationInfo


  • trItemInTranslation

  • trItemTranslated

  • trItemTranslationInfo


  • trSKUInTranslation

  • trSKUTranslated

  • trSKUTranslationInfo


Because the tr[EntityType]Status field has been removed, the CVL trEntityStatus is no longer needed, feel free to remove it from the inRiver model.

A new link type needs to be added to add functionality for automated translation jobs using the criteria system.

(Optional) Automated translations - Criteria System

The criteria system is a new system to help the automated translations system figure out what source and target languages that should be used for a given entity.

Example - Situational source language Your master language is English (Great Britain), but you may want to send a product for translation with Danish as a source language, if that specific product was imported from Denmark. Supporting scenarios like this is now possible.

Example - Situational target language You may want to only send information for translation to a certain language if that product is marketed in a specific country. It is now possible to configure the system to only translate to for example Finish, if the product is marketed in Finland.

More information about how to configure this system can be found in the following article. Automated Translations - Criteria System

inRiver 6.3

Please read this article for upgrading using inRiver 6.3. Upgrade to 3.3 for inRiver 6.3

inRiver PMC

Please read this article for upgrading using inRiver PMC Upgrade to 3.3 for inRiver PMC