Release Notes

Release 3.4.7

Bug fixes

  • Fix a compatibility issue with a future release of iPMC.

Release 3.4.6

Configuration changes

  • Added two new optional settings available to the iPMC integration

    • IncludeMainPictureUrl

    • TranslationDateComparisonMode


Can be used to provide additional context to the translators by including the url of the main picture of the entity being translated.

This is an optional setting that is turned off by default.

Possible values

  • true

  • false - (default)


An optional setting that can adjusts the behavior that controls whether or not a field of an entity should be sent for translation.

Possible values

  • NewerOrEqual

    • Source language value's last modified date is the same or more recent than the target language.

  • Newer - (default)

    • Source language value's last modified date is more recent than the target language.

Release 3.4.5

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue where an inRiver error may arise when the connector updates In Translation / Translated statuses. This error could occur when sending or importing translation content, which would also abort that process.

Release 3.4.4

Configuration changes

  • Added a new connector settings

    • ignoreDateModifiedForLocaleStrings

      • bool

      • enable/disable translation criteria

        • "Does the source language have a later modified date than the target language"

Functionality changes

  • When translation job is deleted then translation info and update status are reevaluated

    • it's similar behavior as was introduced in case of job cancelling

Bug fixes

  • Stop getting stuck when processing a project that has been sent by using a different user (freeway account)

    • A warning entry is written to log, when processing the job created by using a old account (auth error)

  • Force send a content for translation despite is has been updated by a previous job (timestamp)

    • this has been done by a new connector parameter that control this behavior

    • see above "ignoreDateModifiedForLocaleStrings"

  • Customer cannot send content out for translation if source was updated during previous job

  • A translation info content is sent despite the connector configuration option "SendTranslatable ContentOnly" is set to true or not.

Release 3.4.3

Configuration changes

  • A new setting for the iPMC scheduled extensions has been introduced to control how scheduled extensions are triggered.

  • The setting can be added manually, or retrieved in an already running environment by pressing the "Get Default Settings" button.

  • The default value will cause the extension to trigger every 15 minutes.

    • New setting:

      • CronExpression

        • Default value: */15 * ? * *

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues with the iPMC extensions that caused them to stop functioning following a release with breaking changes that was made by inRiver to the iPMC platform.

  • inRiver release deployment date: 2019-10-28.

Release 3.4.1

System changes

  • Translation statuses are now updated when translations are imported, no matter if it completes unsuccessfully or not.

  • Translation statuses are now re-evaluated when a Translation Job is cancelled.

  • Logging updates

    • Replaced internal logging framework.

    • Log messages updated.

    • Broadcasting to an external Seq logging server is now possible and can be enabled through configuration.

      • More information can be found in the following topic - Logging to Seq logging server

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue introduced in Release 3.4 where CVL field translations were not imported correctly

  • Fixed an issue that would cause Translation Task status to fail to updated when a translation re-delivery was made.

  • Fixed an issue where importing a Translation Task where errors occurred during import would cause the connector to treat it as successful.

Release 3.4

System changes

  • Translation content will now be split into multiple files if they contain more than X amount of entities, controlled by a connector/extension setting.

  • inRiver 6.3

    • A new connector setting "translationFileEntityLimit" has been added for controlling how many entities a single translation file can contain. Default value: 1000

  • inRiver PMC

    • A new extension setting "TranslationFileEntityLimit" has been added for controlling how many entities a single translation file can contain. Default value: 1000

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Specification field translations were not imported correctly

Release 3.3.5

Configuration changes

  • A new setting for the iPMC scheduled extensions has been introduced to control how scheduled extensions are triggered.

  • The setting can be added manually, or retrieved in an already running environment by pressing the "Get Default Settings" button.

  • The default value will cause the extension to trigger every 15 minutes.

    • New setting:

      • CronExpression

        • Default value: */15 * ? * *

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues with the iPMC extensions that caused them to stop functioning following a release with breaking changes that was made by inRiver to the iPMC platform.

  • inRiver release deployment date: 2019-10-28.

Release 3.3

Functionality changes

  • A new criteria system has been added that adds configurability to automated translations.

  • New status fields for translatable entities that displays what languages are in translation, and what languages have been translated.

Bug fixes

  • Translation Jobs will now enter the "Sending" status when the send action is triggered.

Known issues

  • CVL values may not be properly sent for translation, it is recommended to leave CVL translations off.

Release 3.2.7

Bug fixes

  • Fix a compatibility issue with a future release of iPMC.

Release 3.2.6

Configuration changes

  • Added two new optional settings available to the iPMC integration

    • IncludeMainPictureUrl

    • TranslationDateComparisonMode

See Release 3.4.6 for more details.

Release 3.2.5

Configuration changes

  • A new setting for the iPMC scheduled extensions has been introduced to control how scheduled extensions are triggered.

  • The setting can be added manually, or retrieved in an already running environment by pressing the "Get Default Settings" button.

  • The default value will cause the extension to trigger every 15 minutes.

    • New setting:

      • CronExpression

        • Default value: */15 * ? * *

Bug fixes

  • Fix issues with the iPMC extensions that caused them to stop functioning following a release with breaking changes that was made by inRiver to the iPMC platform.

  • inRiver release deployment date: 2019-10-28.

Release 3.2.4

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue with logging that caused Errors and Warnings to not log the root cause of issues, if one was provided.

Release 3.2.3

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue where fields would be sent for translation if source and target language values had equal last modified timestamps, this is now only sent when source language last modified date is later occurring than the target language.

Release 3.2.2

Functionality changes

  • Translated field values are now imported even if the source language's value for a translation has been modified after the translation was sent. The import will still treat this as an error and log an error in the server log.

  • The data model is now validated on connector start/extension initialization to verify all Lionbridge base data model components are correctly set up.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where

    • A field could in rare scenarios sometimes not be properly sent for translation.

    • The "SendOnlyTranslatableData" setting on the iPMC extensions would ignore the configured value, and be forced to always send all data.

    • The iPMC extensions would incorrectly assume initialization occured without errors and proceed with normal operation, causing unwanted errors.

Release 3.2

Functionality changes

  • inRiver PMC is now supported.

  • Triggering the 'Request cancellation' action for a Translation Job now allows for Cancellation when the Translation Job has been Sent, but not yet "In Production"/"Work in Progress" status

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where

    • Creating a Translation Job with an action pre-selected would prevent the action from being triggered after the entity is created.

    • A Translation Job without any translatable entities linked to it could previously be sent for translation.

Release 3.1

Functionality changes

  • Translating Specifications is now supported.

    • Note that Specifications are only sent for translation if they do not contain a value for the target language specified, if a specification field needs to be re-translated, please clear the translated value for the language that you wish to translate.

  • Users are now able to send a cancellation request on a Translation Job that is in the "Sent" status.

  • When a Translation Job is cancelled, the entities being translated will now have their Translation Status set to the fields default value, instead of reverting to its previous status. (Default value can be set in the inRiver model tool)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where

    • A Translation Job would fail to send if it contained translatable entities that had not been updated after a selected target language was activated in the PIM system.

    • A Translation Job could never be cancelled due to it never reaching the only status that allows cancellation to be triggered.

Other changes

  • Improved the Lionbridge Freeway updaters performance.

Release 3.1.3

Functionality changes

  • Translations are now imported despite that the source language value has been modified after the field was sent for translation, and is now treated as an error during import.

Release 3.1.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where fields would be sent for translation if the source and target language values had equal last modified dates.

Release 3.1.1

Functionality changes

  • Cancelling a Translation Job will no longer send a request to Lionbridge Freeway and ask for permission. Translation Jobs are instead now only cancelled in the inRiver environment, and Lionbridge should instead be contacted about this cancellation.

    This is due to internal issues with the cancellation function in Lionbridge Freeway.

Last updated